Friday, March 27, 2009

Forced sleeping habits

After working till late last night, I collapsed on my bed around 2.00am only to hear my 5 month old daughter whimper. From past experiences I knew that this was a sign of what was to come for the rest of the morning (night?), anyway, I tiptoed into her room and put her dummy back into her mouth. My little Izabelle has been quickly advancing in the art of using her fingers, so the dummy was pushed out of her mouth before I could make it to the comfort of my bed.
I decided to follow our usual custom and take her into my bed which often results in a number of intermittent feeds till daybreak.
7.00am saw me wide awake, not for lack of the desire to continue sleeping, but because Izabelle was still keeping me awake. By this time, I was famished. After trying to decide whether to get up, make myself a little brekkie and hop straight back into bed, or just keep sleeping on my rumbling stomach, brekkie seemed the more favoured option so I got up. I warmed up some leftover indomie noodles and made some hot chocolate and was set to climb back into bed and indulge when I felt selfish for not preparing anything for Izabelle (even though all she'd done all morning was feed), so I quickly made 60mls of milk for her.
In the end, I was able to squeeze in about 2 hours of sleep, albeit interrupted, into her schedule and was happy to get up and face the day around 09.30am.

Having left Izabelle to her childish pursuits (aka past 11.00am morning nap), I have been able to go after more grown up pursuits such as doing dishes, tidying the house, having a shower, blogging and then getting back to some work.

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